Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Quick Update

Hey all, sorry for not updating in awhile. Things have picked up here with more activities and school kicking into gear. It still seems like I am meeting new people every day. I always forget their names though... no bueno. I went to the mall again recently (the one with Ski Dubai) with some friends and had a pretty good time. I didn't pack any flip flops which I need in order to cure my white feet syndrome. I also need to buy some nice sunglasses primarily to look like a cool kid, and I suppose they would help protect my eyes against the sun too. I still have a lot of exploring to do... I haven't even seen the beach yet!

I bought a ticket to Lebanon the other day. A group of study abroad students are going and it looks to be a pretty awesome trip. I'm hoping I can see some of Syria and Jordan as well, especially Petra which is my top priority. A swim in the Mediterranen Sea appears to be in order. We're going for 7 days and will only miss 2 (maybe 3?) days of classes because there is a holiday while we're gone. It's the holiday that happens when Ramadan ends so I'm sure there will be some pretty interesting stuff to see and do during the holiday. We're leaving the 16th and coming back the 22nd... I can't wait!

That's all I can think of right now. Hope things are going well!

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